Discover Spain with cheap trains from Madrid to Barcelona

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Travel guide Madrid–Barcelona


Which train companies operate the route from Madrid to Barcelona?

When traveling from Madrid to Barcelona by train, a number of options are available from rail operator Renfe. The high speed train service Alvia or AVE will transport you from city to city in the fastest time. Alternatively, the R. Express regional service is also available.

What is the timetable for trains from Madrid to Barcelona?

Journeys departing from Madrid to Barcelona commence at 6:10 am and run throughout the day until 21:25, when the last train for Barcelona departs. A large number of these trains are the AVE service and as such there are multiple departures every hour: trains leave every 15 to 30 minutes. Regional train services run at a lower frequency.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the rail service between Madrid and Barcelona?

Regional trains from Madrid to Barcelona depart from Madrid Chamartín Railway Station, while AVE trains bound for Barcelona leave from Madrid Atocha Railway Station. Both services arrive in Barcelona at the same station: Barcelona Sants Railway Station.

What distance is the route by train from Madrid to Barcelona?

The distance between Madrid and Barcelona by train is about 410 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Madrid to Barcelona by train?

The time taken to travel from Madrid to Barcelona by train depends on the service chosen. If you opt for a regional train service, travel time can be as long as 8 hours; however, if you choose to travel by the high speed AVE service journey time can be as low as just 3 hours.

Which train stations does the service from Madrid to Barcelona stop at?

When traveling by regional train from Madrid to Barcelona, the following stops are included on the route: Guadalajara, Yunquera de Henares, Humanes de Mohernando, Espinosa de Henares, Carrascosa de Henares, Jadraque, Matillas, Baides, Siguenza, Torralba, Medinaceli, Arcos de Jalon, Ariza, Calatayud, Zaragoza Delicias, Zaragoza Portillo, Goya Zaragoza, Zaragoza Miraflores, Quinto, La Zaida-Sastago, La Puebla de Hijar, Samper, Caspe, Nonaspe, Faió-La Pobla de Massaluca, Riba Roja d'Ebre, Flix, Asco, Mora Nova, Capçanes, Marça-Falset, Les Borges del Camp, Reus, Vilaseca, Tarragona, Altafulla-Tamarit, Torredembarra, San Vincente de Calders, Vilanova i la Geltru, Barcelona Sants, Barcelona-Passeig de Gràcia and Barcelona-Estacio de França.

When traveling by AVE, of the thirty daily trains to Barcelona 10 do not have any stops but instead travel directly to their destination. Those AVE trains with stops along the route visit Guadalajara, Calatayud, Zaragoza, Lleida and Tarragona.

Why should you travel by train from Madrid to Barcelona?

Traveling by train from Madrid to Barcelona is a great opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful parts of Spain along the way, with the regional service to Madrid stopping at a number of Spanish cities. If you have time, stop off at the historic towns of Siguenza, Zaragoza, Calatayud and Zaragoza. Traveling by high speed rail service from Madrid to Barcelona is a fast way to travel between the two cities.

What is there to see and do in Barcelona?

Stroll through the Gothic Quarter or discover the work of Antoni Gaudi at Park Guell, La Pedrera, Casa Batllo and, of course, the Sagrada Familia. Go shopping on Paseo de Gracia, head to the beach at Barceloneta, catch a concert at the Palau de la Música Catalana or El Liceu, or walk along Barcelona's most popular and tourist centric street, La Rambla. The list is endless!