Cheapest dates for Milan - Munich train tickets
Travel guide Milan–Munich
Planning to travel from Milan to Munich by train? Find the best train deals from Milan to Munich with
Departure stations in Milan include: Milan Central Railway Station, Milan Porta Garibaldi Railway Station, Milano Lambrate, Milan Sesto San Giovanni Railway Station, Milan Rogoredo Railway Station, Milan Nord Bovisa Railway Station, Milan Greco Pirelli Railway Station, Milan Porta Genova Railway Station, Milan Lambrate Railway Station, Milan Porta Vittoria Railway Station, Milan San Cristoforo Railway Station. The train stations in Munich include the following: München Hauptbahnhof, Munich Central Railway Station Station, Munich Central Railway Station Station, Munich East Railway Station, Bahnhof München-Pasing, Munich-Harras Railway Station, Munich Airport Railway Station, Munich Pasing Railway Station.
Why should you travel from Milan to Munich by train? Some reasons include: The central location of the train station in Milan means it's easy to reach your point of departure. During your journey you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes in Germany. Before you know it, you've arrived at the train station in Munich to begin your trip.