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Traveler's Edition
  •   < 1 min read

The Hungarian capital has been voted the second best city in the world in a top American travel magazine.

Condé Nast Traveler, a luxury and lifestyle travel magazine, conducted a survey with its readers and with an overall rating of 86.090 Budapest came out second in the Reader’s Choice Award.

Achieving first place is the Italian city of Florence, in the lead by 500 votes. Florence and Budapest beat some of the global heavy weights such as: Rome, Prague, Sydney, London and Paris.

The best European cities according to Condé Nast Traveler’s readers:

1. Florence, Italy
2. Budapest, Hungary
3. Prague, Czech Republic
4. Rome, Italy
5. Barcelona, Spain
6. Kraków, Poland
7. Vienna, Austria
8. Siena, Italy
9. Salzburg, Austria
10. Bruges, Belgium

IMG: Pank Seelen /Flickr cc.

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