Price observed over the last 3 months for a round trip.
Cheapest flight tickets
Price observed over the last 3 months for a round trip.
Average price of a round trip
Average flight ticket price recorded over the last 3 months for a round trip.
Flight duration
A flight from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} takes on average {{flightDuration}}.
Best time
According to user searches, the ideal month to go to {{toCity}} is {{lowSeasonMonth}}.
Check out our tips for booking your flight to {{toCity}} ({{toCountry}}) from {{fromCity}} ({{fromCountry}}) at the cheapest possible price.
Usually, the cheapest month to pick up a ticket on this route is {{cheapestMonthToTravel}}, with an average flight ticket price of ${{averageTicketInCheapestMonth}} (calculation over the last two years). The most touristic season corresponds to the months of {{touristicSeasons}}.
For the cheapest flights, it is advisable to buy your ticket at least {{daysBeforeTravelForBestPrice}} days before the departure date.
#optional cheapestAirline:
The airline offering the cheapest flight tickets is {}. A ticket from the airline {} to {{toCity}} costs on average ${{averagePriceOfCheapestAirline}}.
The airlines that offer the most flights are {{mostFlightsAirlines}}.#endoptional
Here is some information and tips to know before booking your flight:
#if (hasFromWeatherInformation):
{{fromCity}} is a city in the country {{fromCountry}}, the time zone is GMT {{fromTimezone}}. In {{fromCity}}, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average {{fromAverageWeather}}°C, with a minimum of {{fromMinimumWeather}}°C and a maximum of {{fromMaximumWeather}}°C.
The city of {{fromCity}}{{fromAllAirportsCode}} has {{numberOfFromStations}} airport(s): {{fromStationNames}}
#if (hasToWeatherInformation):
{{toCity}} is in the country {{toCountry}}, the time zone is GMT {{toTimezone}}. In {{toCity}}, it is currently {toLocalTime}, the temperature is on average {{toAverageWeather}}°C, with a minimum of {{toMinimumWeather}}°C and a maximum of {{toMaximumWeather}}°C.
The city of {{toCity}}{{toAllAirportsCode}} has {{numberOfToStations}} airport(s): {{toStationNames}}
#optional leastTouristicMonth:
If you want to visit {{toCity}} during the least touristic period, choose the month of {}.#else:
This information is not available at this time.#endoptional
#optional mostTouristicMonth:
In {{toCity}}, the most popular month is {}. It is during this period that the prices offered by airlines are also the highest.#else:
This information is not available at this time.#endoptional
#if (Objects.isNull(daysBeforeTravelForBestPrice)):
This information is not available at this time.
#elseif (isMorningPriceCheaper):
According to our data, it is recommended to book your flight {{daysBeforeTravelForBestPrice}} days before your departure. If you book your flight ticket {{weeksBeforeTravelForBestPrice}} weeks before your departure, you may find a price below average. You can also choose morning flights that are {{morningPricePercentages}}% cheaper than afternoon and evening flights. The cheapest day to book a flight from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} is {{cheapestDayToBook}}.
According to our data, it is recommended to book your flight {{daysBeforeTravelForBestPrice}} days before your departure. If you book your flight ticket {{weeksBeforeTravelForBestPrice}} weeks before your departure, you may find a price below average. The cheapest day to book a flight from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} is {{cheapestDayToBook}}.
#optional departureAirportList:
When you leave, you can leave from {}, and you will arrive at {{arrivalAirportList}}.#else:
This information is not available at this time.#endoptional
#repeat span for each airport in departureAirportsWithDistance:
The airport ${airport.seoName} is located ${airport.distanceFromCityCenter} km${airport.separator} from the city centre. You can access it by using public transportation, taking a taxi, or renting a car.
This information is not available at this time.
#if (hasBusAndTrainResults):
The journey from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} can also be done by train or bus. Search on Liligo to compare the different means of transportation.
#elseif (hasBusResults):
The journey from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} can also be done by bus. Search on Liligo to compare the different means of transportation.
#elseif (hasTrainResults):
The journey from {{fromCity}} to {{toCity}} can also be done by train. Search on Liligo to compare the different means of transportation.
Airplane is the only means of transportation listed on Liligo for this journey.
#optional toAverageSummerTemperature:
In summer, the average temperature is {}°C in {{toCity}} and {{fromAverageSummerTemperature}}°C in {{fromCity}}.#endoptional
#optional toAverageSummerRainfall:
The average rainfall in summer is {} mm in {{toCity}} and {{fromAverageSummerRainfall}} mm in {{fromCity}}.#endoptional
In summer, it is warmer in {{warmerCityInSummer}} and it rains less in {{lessRainyCityInSummer}}. In winter, it is colder in {{colderCityInWinter}} and it rains more in {{moreRainyCityInWinter}}.