For Flights, Trains and Buses: The offers shown on Liligo are classified according to the "Smartest", which is the default ranking criterion of Liligo, defining itself as the best ratio between duration and price. You also have access to offers classified according to the "Fastest" defined as the shortest route and the "Cheapest" defined as the lowest price.
Cars: The default classification criterion used is price.
Hotels: The offers shown on Liligo are classified according to the criteria defined by HotelsCombined.
We therefore use internal algorithms to classify accommodation results as well as booking sites within the same result. For more readability, we always round the price to the higher integer.
To rank hosting results, by default, we use our “Best Choice” algorithm, which is based on a number of key parameters: price, customer rating and popularity (in terms of clicks). The relative importance of the parameters is specific to each set of results: for example, the price will have less weight if the price difference is minimal. We also take into account the average potential compensation for for each hosting result. In addition to the default ranking, you can also rank the results by price, hotel category, better rating and proximity to your destination.
Some offers may be available on several supplier sites. We display all these options, but highlight a particular site based on criteria like its price against the lowest price and the average potential compensation for for each hosting result. Within each result, if it is not the cheapest option that is displayed above the “See Offer” button, you will still see it in blue.
The referencing of travel suppliers (hereinafter “suppliers”) on the Liligo site results from a contractual relationship or capital links between Liligo and the referenced suppliers. However, in order to guarantee the impartiality of the results, this capital link or contractual relationship have no impact on the classification of offers.
The prices displayed on Liligo are inclusive of all taxes and can be booked directly on the supplier's website. Please always check the details on the referenced supplier’s website before booking. The prices displayed include the items listed below, to which additional charges may be added:
Flights: The prices displayed are per person and include the price of the ticket, i.e. the price set by the airline, official taxes, as well as any service costs of the supplier (if travel agency). We advise you to check if a piece of luggage is included in your reservation and to carefully read the size of the included luggage before finalising your reservation. Depending on your choices, each referenced provider may offer additional paid services associated with your reservation (for example, insurance, queue-beating service, choice of seat etc.) we invite you to consult their respective sites before finalising your reservation.
Hotels: The prices displayed are per room and per night. Prices include VAT, but not tourist taxes applicable in some cities. Our estimate of these taxes can be added to the displayed price by selecting “Total per night”. Referenced professionals can offer certain paid options, for example, insurance. Depending on your choice, hotels may charge additional fees for certain services, e.g. breakfast or internet connection, if not included in the price.
Cars: The prices displayed are for the duration of the rental. Depending on your choice, additional fees may be added for the purchase of a full fuel [tank] at the time of pick-up of the vehicle, or before returning the vehicle. Some options are paid, for example additional insurance coverage, additional driver, child seats, navigation system.
Trains and buses: The prices displayed are per person and include mandatory taxes and fees. Some suppliers may charge fees related to the service, additional luggage etc. depending on your choice.
Liligo strives to offer as wide a comparison as possible with non-exhaustive offers, however we do not refer to all suppliers that offer similar offers, nor all offers offered by each referenced professional.
Our compared offers are updated in real time with our 70 suppliers. We receive remuneration from most of the suppliers referenced on our site.