Belgium to France with cheap trains from Brussels to Paris

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Travel guide Brussels–Paris


What train companies operate the route from Brussels to Paris?

Routes from Brussels to Paris are operated by Thalys.

What is the schedule for the train route Brussels to Paris?

Trains leave as early as 6:43 AM and as late as 9:13 PM, with trains leaving quite frequently. Multiple trains leave per day, with departures at least once an hour.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Brussels to Paris?

Trains leave from Brussel-Zuid/Bruxelles-Midi and arrive in Paris Gare du Nord Station.

What distance is the train route from Brussels to Paris?

There is a distance of roughly 200 miles between Brussels and Paris.

How long does it take to travel from Brussels to Paris by train?

Expected travel time is around 1h20.

What are the stops on the train journey from Brussels to Paris?

Once trains depart from Brussel-Zuid/Bruxelles-Midi station the journey is direct through to Paris, with no intermediary stops.

Why should you travel by train from Brussels to Paris?

Train tickets can be bought for a very reasonable price and the speed of the trip makes it very attractive.

What is there to see and do in Paris?

Paris is known as a very romantic city and thousands of honeymooners and other couples visit the city every day. An obvious attraction is the Eiffel tower. A visit to Paris would not be complete without experiencing one of the more than 9000 local restaurants. It is a must to drink some French wine while savoring a tasty dish made by an experienced French cook.