Trains from Budapest to Prague: Discover the Beauty of the Czech Capital

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Travel guide Budapest–Prague


Trains from Hungary to the Czech Republic are a budget-friendly way of exploring more of Europe! Don’t miss the opportunity to feel the ancient and modern splendor of Prague.

What train companies operate the route from Budapest to Prague?

The train company Czech Railways, or České dráhy, will take passengers from Budapest to Prague.

What is the schedule for the train route from Budapest to Prague?

Trains depart from Budapest starting from 5:15 am until 8:15 pm. The trains start their route every two hours.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Budapest to Prague?

The departure station is Budapest Keleti station. The arrival station is Praha Hlavní Nádraží station.

What distance is the train route from Budapest to Prague?

The distance between Budapest and Prague is approximately 326.1 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Budapest to Prague by train?

It takes just under seven hours to travel from Budapest to Prague by train.

What are the stops on the train route from Budapest to Prague?

Czech Railways will take passengers directly to Prague from Budapest, non-stop.

Why should you travel by train from Budapest to Prague?

The train pulls in straight into the heart of Prague. Without having to worry about navigating, parking or rentals, train travel is stress-free. Czech Railways also provide amenities like business class options, meal services, and special offers.

What is there to see and do in Prague?

Prague is a wealth of both historical and modern wonders. Visit ancient architecture like the Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and Old Town Square. Or, for those interested in modern marvels, Prague offers the Museum of Communism, National Technical Museum and the Prague Zoo. As one of the biggest cities in Europe, there is so much to see and explore. Travellers should definitely plan on staying for more than a day (or so).