Cheap Trains from Buffalo to Toronto

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Travel guide Buffalo–Toronto


What train companies operate the route from Buffalo to Toronto?

A popular route is operated jointly by Amtrak (Maple Leaf) and Megabus.

What is the schedule for the train route from Buffalo to Toronto?

Departures occur once per day at 3:14 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Buffalo to Toronto?

Trains depart from Buffalo Station, and buses arrive at Toronto Coach Terminal.

What distance is the train route from Buffalo to Toronto?

The overall distance traveled is approximately 100 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Buffalo to Toronto by train?

The duration of travel is 4 hours 31 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Buffalo to Toronto?

Stops passed on the journey include Niagara Falls Amtrak (walk to next stop), Niagara Falls Bus Terminal (board Megabus), Brock University, and Megabus - Saint Catharines Ontario..

Why should you travel by train from Buffalo to Toronto?

On this journey, passengers will pass nearby majestic Niagara Falls, and there is the option to stay overnight at this checkpoint in the journey. Niagara Falls offers numerous attractions beside the waterfalls themselves.

What is there to see and do in Toronto?

In Toronto, sports fans can catch a baseball (Toronto Blue Jays) or hockey game (Toronto Maple Leafs) or take the elevator ride up into the CN Tower, which offers magnificent views over nearby Lake Ontario and the surrounding landmass. The Distillery District offers beer connoisseurs a number of opportunities to try regional craft beers. A popular attraction is the Hockey Hall of Fame, which contains a collection of hockey artifacts and exhibits--ice hockey is Canada’s national sport.