Cheap Trains from Chicago to Boston

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Travel guide Chicago–Boston


What train companies operate the route from Chicago to Boston?

The shortest route between Chicago and Boston is operated by Amtrak’s Lake Shore Limited service.

What is the schedule for the train route from Chicago to Boston?

Lake Shore Limited trains depart once per day, at 9:30 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Chicago to Boston?

Lake Shore Limited trains depart from Chicago’s Union Station and arrive in Boston at South Station.

What distance is the train route from Chicago to Boston?

The overall distance traveled by rail is estimated to be around 930 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Chicago to Boston by train?

The predicted time of travel for this shortest route is 21 hours 31 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Chicago to Boston?

After leaving Chicago, there are no transfers. The train passes by South Bend Station, Elkhart Station, Waterloo Station, Bryan Station, Amtrak Toledo Station, Sandusky Station, Elyria Station, Cleveland Station, Erie Station, Buffalo Station, Rochester Station, William F Walsh Regional Transportation Center, Utica Station, Schenectady Station, Albany-Rensselaer Station, Pittsfield Amtrak, Springfield Station, Union Station, Framingham Station, and Back Bay Station.

Why should you travel by train from Chicago to Boston?

The train from Chicago to Boston takes about 33% longer than the corresponding drive, although the experience is significantly easier, considering the lack of need for focusing on the highway or filling up at gas stations. Passengers can get their sleep on the train, and forgo a night’s stay in a hotel.

What is there to see and do in Boston?

Top attractions in Boston include the Freedom Trail (a 2.5 mile long walk through the downtown area), Faneuil Hall (a marketplace and meeting hall), New England Aquarium, Boston Common (a 50-acre urban park), and others. Baseball fans should catch a Red Sox game at historic Fenway Park. There are a number of museums in the area, including the Museum of Science, Boston Museum, Boston Children’s Museum, and the Paul Revere House.