Cheap Trains from Chicago to Nashville

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Travel guide Chicago–Nashville


What train companies operate the route from Chicago to Nashville?

There is no train route between Chicago and Nashville, although there is bus service, operated by Megabus.

What is the schedule for the train route from Chicago to Nashville?

Buses depart twice per day, typically at 8:50 AM and 11:59 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Chicago to Nashville?

Buses depart from Chicago at Van Buren and Canal and arrive in Nashville at East Side of Fifth Avenue between Gay Street and Charlotte Avenue.

What distance is the train route from Chicago to Nashville?

The approximate distance traveled by bus is around 450 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Chicago to Nashville by train?

The predicted time of travel is 10 hours 11 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Chicago to Nashville?

After leaving Chicago, there are no transfers, although several bus stops are passed along the way (in Indianapolis, Indiana and Louisville, Kentucky).

Why should you travel by train from Chicago to Nashville?

Taking the train from Chicago to Nashville allows passengers to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing ride without much stress. If taking the night train, passengers can sleep on the train and arrive in Nashville feeling fresh.

What is there to see and do in Nashville?

Nashville is America’s country music capital, and as such, there are many live music venues, with a thriving live music scene. Downtown areas are lined with pubs and restaurants. Other attractions include the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, the Ryman Auditorium, the Parthenon (full-sized replica), the Belle Meade Plantation, Centennial Park, the Nashville Zoo, and the Cheekwood Botanical Garden. There are also several nearby parks with forests and lakes that make for excellent fishing and hiking areas.