Cheap Trains from Chicago to New Orleans

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Travel guide Chicago–New Orleans


What train companies operate the route from Chicago to New Orleans?

This route is operated by Amtrak’s service called City of New Orleans.

What is the schedule for the train route from Chicago to New Orleans?

Trains depart daily at 8:05 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Chicago to New Orleans?

Trains depart from Chicago’s Union Station and arrive at New Orleans Station.

What distance is the train route from Chicago to New Orleans?

The total distance covered by rail is approximately 900 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Chicago to New Orleans by train?

The approximate travel time is 19 hours 27 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Chicago to New Orleans?

Intermediate stops include Homewood Station, Kankakee Station, Urbana Station, Mattoon Station, Effingham Station, Centralia Station, Carbondale Station, Fulton Station, Newbern Station, Amtrak Memphis Station, Greenwood Station, Yazoo City Station, Jackson Station, Hazlehurst Station, Brookhaven Station, McCombs Station, and Hammond Station.

Why should you travel by train from Chicago to New Orleans?

The train travels overnight, and therefore passengers can sleep on the train and save the cost of one night’s stay in a hotel. Also, passengers can avoid making the long/tiring drive from Chicago to New Orleans.

What is there to see and do in New Orleans?

New Orleans is a unique city in the USA, known for its rowdy parties. Visitors should try the famous local alcoholic beverage called the Hurricane. Party-lovers should visit the French Quarter, which contains the infamous Bourbon Street, home to some of the world’s wildest parties. There are a number of open air restaurants and patios that serve delicious seafood and beverages. If traveling at the right time, visitors can attend Mardi Gras, a popular annual festival.