Cheap Trains from Dallas to Austin

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Travel guide Dallas–Austin


What train companies operate the route from Dallas to Austin?

Trains between Dallas and Austin are run either partially or entirely by Amtrak (Texas Eagle service), with some portions occasionally operated by Dallas Area Rapid Transit (TRE service).

What is the schedule for the train route from Dallas to Austin?

Trains leave twice daily, at 11:50 AM and 12:20 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Dallas to Austin?

The departure station is Union Station in Dallas, and the arrival station is Austin Station in Austin.

What distance is the train route from Dallas to Austin?

The total distance covered by the journey is approximately 250 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Dallas to Austin by train?

The time of travel ranges from 6 hours to 6.5 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from Dallas to Austin?

Along the way, Amtrak trains stop at Fort Worth Station, Cleburne Intermodal Transportation Depot, McGregor Station, Temple Station, and Taylor Station. For routes including the TRE service, there are 7 additional stops prior to Forth Worth Station, which include Victory Station, Medical/Market Central Station, Downtown Irving/Heritage Crossing Station, West Irving Station, Centreport Station, Bell Station, and Richland Hills Station.

Why should you travel by train from Dallas to Austin?

Traveling by train is an enjoyable experience, since travelers can enjoy the passing scenery without having to focus on driving. Train travel offers passengers a variety of services including beverages, snacks, onboard Wi-Fi, and more.

What is there to see and do in Austin?

Austin boasts a thriving nightlife and live music scene. In fact, Austin’s music scene is highly influential in US culture, and Austin is often called the “Live Music Capital of the World”. Visitors can also enjoy a variety of outdoor hiking and kayaking opportunities.