Cheap Trains from Edinburgh to Glasgow

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Travel guide Edinburgh–Glasgow


What train companies operate the route from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

There are three routes, which are operated by either ScotRail, Caledonian Sleeper, or CrossCountry.

What is the schedule for the train route from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

Departure times are typically 4:50 AM until around 9 to 12 PM, with exact times depending on the day. On Saturdays and Sundays, the earliest departures are at 5:55 and 8:38 AM, respectively. Departures are generally quite frequent (every 15 to 60 minutes).

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

Caledonian Sleeper and ScotRail trains depart from Edinburgh Waverley and arrive at Queen Street. CrossCountry trains depart from Edinburgh Waverley and arrive at Glasgow Central Station.

What distance is the train route from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

The distance covered by train is around 45 to 50 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Edinburgh to Glasgow by train?

The total travel time is generally around 1 hour.

What are the stops on the train route from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

The only stop along the CrossCountry journey is Motherwell. On the ScotRail journey, intermediate stops include Haymarket, Linlithgow, Polmont, Falkirk High, and Croy. The Caledonian Sleeper runs nonstop.

Why should you travel by train from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

This train trip is very convenient and fast, offering daily commuters and other passengers a convenient transit option between these two cities.

What is there to see and do in Glasgow?

Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland, is home to a large number of theaters, art galleries, and museums. Most of the galleries and museums have free entry, making them an economical option for visitors. The city also offers a large number of nightclubs, music venues, and pubs.