Cheap Trains from Edinburgh to Inverness

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Travel guide Edinburgh–Inverness


What train companies operate the route from Edinburgh to Inverness?

This route is operated by ScotRail.

What is the schedule for the train route from Edinburgh to Inverness?

Departure times vary somewhat, but they typically range from 6:33 AM until around 11 PM (around 7:30 PM on Fridays).

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Edinburgh to Inverness?

Trains depart from Edinburgh Waverley station and arrive at Inverness station.

What distance is the train route from Edinburgh to Inverness?

The distance covered by the route is a bit over 150 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Edinburgh to Inverness by train?

The total travel time is approximately 4 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from Edinburgh to Inverness?

Intermediate stops along the journey include Haymarket, Inverkeithing, Kirkcaldy, Markinch, Ladybank, Perth (transfer point), Dunkeld and Birnam, Pitlochry, Blair Atholl, Dalwhinnie, Newtonmore, Kingussie, Aviemore, and Carrbridge.

Why should you travel by train from Edinburgh to Inverness?

Compared to driving, the route offers passengers an easier option, without the need to stay focused on a road, without the need for buying petrol, and without the need to find parking.

What is there to see and do in Inverness?

Inverness is rich in history, and even features its own castle, the Inverness Castle. The city lies near to two significant battle sites: the 11th century battle between Norway and Blar nam Feinne, and the 18th century Battle of Culloden. The city was also home to the king written about in the Shakespeare play Macbeth. There are also a number of interesting churches in the city, including the Old High Church and the Church of Scotland. Visitors can also find a large variety of welcoming pubs and restaurants in the area.