Cheap Trains from Hartford to New Haven

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Travel guide Hartford–New Haven


What train companies operate the route from Hartford to New Haven?

The fastest train route is offered by Amtrak’s Vermonter service.

What is the schedule for the train route from Hartford to New Haven?

The train departs from Hartford four times per day, at 6:35 AM, 3:32 PM, 4:42 PM, and 8:01 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Hartford to New Haven?

Trains depart from Hartford Station, and they arrive at New Haven Station.

What distance is the train route from Hartford to New Haven?

The distance traveled is only about 35 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Hartford to New Haven by train?

The duration of travel is typically around 50 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Hartford to New Haven?

There are no transfers, but the train stops along the way at Berlin Station, Meriden Station, and Wallingford Station.

Why should you travel by train from Hartford to New Haven?

The train is an excellent option for commuters, as it is fast and allows passengers to avoid travelling on the traffic-congested highways.

What is there to see and do in New Haven?

Visitors to New Haven can stroll around the prestigious Yale campus, as well as check out the Yale University Art Gallery and Yale Center for British Art. Outdoors-lovers can take a long hike at either East Rock Park (425 acres) or West Rock Ridge State Park (which offers magnificent views over the nearby harbor and sound). Other common attractions include the New Haven Green, the Shubert Theater, the Five Mile Point Light, the Marsh Botanical Garden, the New Haven Museum and Historical Society, Edgerton, and the Connecticut Children’s Museum.