Cheap Trains from London to Cardiff

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Travel guide London–Cardiff


What train companies operate the route from London to Cardiff?

This route is operated by Great Western Railway.

What is the schedule for the train route from London to Cardiff?

On weekdays, trains depart from 5:18 AM until 11:30 PM. On Saturdays, trains depart from 5:57 AM. On Sundays, trains depart from 8:00 AM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from London to Cardiff?

Trains depart from London Paddington Station and arrive at Cardiff Central Railway Station.

What distance is the train route from London to Cardiff?

The total distance covered on this route is approximately 150 miles.

How long does it take to travel from London to Cardiff by train?

Travel time is typically just over 2 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from London to Cardiff?

Along the journey, trains stop at Reading Station, Didcot Parkway, Swindon, Bristol Parkway, and Newport.

Why should you travel by train from London to Cardiff?

Traveling by train between London and Cardiff is faster than driving, as well as being more comfortable and less demanding of attention.

What is there to see and do in Cardiff?

Cardiff is the capital and largest city of Wales. While in the area, visitors can enjoy an abundance of historically significant sites, such as defensive castles and cathedrals. The Cardiff Castle, Wales Millennium Centre, St. David’s Hall, and Llandaff Cathedral are some of the most popular landmarks. Cardiff is known to have the highest density of castles of any city on Earth. Visitors can also enjoy an abundance of Welsh and English cuisines, while the burgeoning live music scene provides a wealth of entertainment options. There are a large number of nightclubs, bars, and pubs, for those wishing to mingle with the locals.