Cheapest dates for London - Manchester train tickets
Travel guide London–Manchester
What train companies operate the route from London to Manchester?
Train routes between London and Manchester are operated by Virgin Trains on a direct service between the two cities.
What is the schedule for the train route from London to Manchester?
Trains depart from 6:16 AM until 11:30 PM, departing quite often, at typically 10 to 30 minute intervals.
What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from London to Manchester?
Trains leave from London Euston Station and arrive in Manchester at Manchester Piccadilly Station.
What distance is the train route from London to Manchester?
The total distance is about 160 miles.
How long does it take to travel from London to Manchester by train?
The approximate travel time is about 2 hours and 12 minutes.
What are the stops on the train journey from London to Manchester?
Trains stop along the way at Stoke-on-Trent, Macclesfield, and Stockport.
Why should you travel by train from London to Manchester?
The primary reasons for taking a train from London to Manchester are convenience and speed. Traveling by bus is less comfortable, and traveling by air is inefficient for the small distance between these cities.
What is there to see and do in Manchester?
Manchester is a historically important industrial center in England, and therefore there are many interesting sites to visit, in addition to observing the remaining effects of this history. The city boasts a great music scene, performing arts, art galleries, museums, and a robust night life. Manchester is also well known for its gay village.