Cheap Trains from Los Angeles to Seattle

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Travel guide Los Angeles–Seattle


What train companies operate the route from Los Angeles to Seattle?

This route is operated solely by Amtrak’s Coast Starlight service.

What is the schedule for the train route from Los Angeles to Seattle?

Trains depart once daily at 10:10 AM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Los Angeles to Seattle?

Trains depart from Union Station in Los Angeles and arrive in Seattle at King Street Station.

What distance is the train route from Los Angeles to Seattle?

The distance traveled by train is in the ballpark of 1,100 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Los Angeles to Seattle by train?

The published travel time is 34 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from Los Angeles to Seattle?

With no transfer stops, the train passes the following stops along the way: Burbank Station, Van Nuys Station, Simi Valley Station, Oxnard Station, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo Station, Paso Robles Station, Salinas Station, San Jose Diridon Station, Jack London Square, Emeryville Station, Martinez Station, Davis Station, Sacramento Station, Chico Station, Redding Station, Dunsmuir Station, Klamath Falls Station, Chemult Station, Eugene Station, Albany Station, Salem Station, Union Station, Vancouver Station, Kelso Station, Centralia Station, Centennial Station, and Tacoma Station.

Why should you travel by train from Los Angeles to Seattle?

This train route passes some of the USA’s most beautiful scenery. Even if taken for purely recreational purposes, this train route is sure to be a lot of fun.

What is there to see and do in Seattle?

Top attractions in Seattle include the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, the Woodland Park Zoo, the Experience Music Project Museum, the Museum of Flight, and the Pacific Science Center. The surrounding mountainous areas offer magnificent hiking opportunities