Cheap Trains from Milan to Paris

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Travel guide Milan–Paris


What train companies operate the route from Milan to Paris?

Trains from city to city are operated by SNCF on board a number of services depending on the route chosen: these include the TGV service, TGV Lyria, TER and the Trenitalia EuroCity service.

What is the schedule for the train route from Milan to Paris?

Departures generally run from 6:00 AM through 2:40 PM, with a large number of trains operating more or less hourly between these times.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Milan to Paris?

Trains depart from Milano Centrale Railway Station, and trains arrive at either Gare de Lyon or Gare de l’Est.

What distance is the train route from Milan to Paris?

The total distance of the journey is around 600 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Milan to Paris by train?

The journey from Milan to Paris by train takes between 7 hours 19 minutes and 8 hours 26 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Milan to Paris?

The intermediate stops along the route depend on the service chosen: connections are made in either Zurich; Basel and Strasbourg; Arth and Basel; or Lausanne. There are also a number of direct services available

Why should you travel by train from Milan to Paris?

Passengers will travel through 3 countries in one trip (Italy, Switzerland, and France). The scenery passed along the way is arguably the best Europe has to offer, with the Swiss Alps providing magnificent mountain views.

What is there to see and do in Paris?

In Paris, travellers should visit the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre (art museum), the Arc de Triomphe (national landmark), as well as one of the many authentic French restaurants lining the city streets. There are also a number of other museums, art galleries, and city parks that are well worth visiting.