Cheap Trains from Minneapolis to Chicago

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Travel guide Minneapolis–Chicago


What train companies operate the route from Minneapolis to Chicago?

The train from Minneapolis to Chicago is operated by Amtrak (Empire Builder route).

What is the schedule for the train route from Minneapolis to Chicago?

Trains leave at either 6:35 or 6:52 AM on weekdays and 6:58 PM on Saturdays (no Sunday service).

What are the train stations for the route from Minneapolis to Chicago?

Trains depart from Union Depot Station in Minneapolis and arrive at Union Station in Chicago.

What distance is the train route from Minneapolis to Chicago?

The journey is around 425 miles in length.

How long does it take to travel from Minneapolis to Chicago by train?

The time of travel is just about 8 hours from station to station.

What are the stops on the train journey from Minneapolis to Chicago?

Intermediate stops along the journey include Red Wing Station, Winona Station, La Crosse Station, Tomah Station, Wisconsin Dells Station, Portage Station, Columbus Station, Milwaukee Intermodal Station, and Glenview Station.

Why should you travel by train from Minneapolis to Chicago?

Amtrak offers a pleasant experience for passengers. There are some nice countryside views along the route. Traveling by train allows passengers to relax, in comparison with driving, while the prices are cheaper than the equivalent flights.

What is there to see and do in Chicago?

While in Chicago, visitors should check out the Navy Pier, which is a famous location that contains many retail stores, restaurants, and theaters. There are several significant museums in Chicago, including the Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium and Museum of Contemporary Art. There is a staggering variety of popular night clubs and pubs in the downtown, Wrigleyville, and Lincoln Park areas. Lastly, all visitors should try one of Chicago’s iconic deep dish pizzas.