Cheap Trains from Munich to Venice Allow Travellers to Visit the Adriatic Sea

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Travel guide Munich–Venice


What train companies operate the route from Munich to Venice?

Deutsche Bahn is the train company that operates the route from Munich to Venice

What is the schedule for the train route from Munich to Venice?

During the weekdays, there is a single train that travels this route, departing at 11:34 in the morning. During the weekends, there are two trains that travel this route, one departing at 7:34 in the morning and the other departing at 11:34 in the morning.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Munich to Venice?

München Hbf is the departure station. The arrival station is Venezia Santa Lucia.

What distance is the train route from Munich to Venice?

The distance from Munich to Venice is approximately 351.6 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Munich to Venice by train?

It takes about six and a half hours to travel from Munich to Venice by train.

What are the stops on the train route from Munich to Venice?

Trains take passengers directly from Munich to Venice without stopping.

Why should you travel by train from Munich to Venice?

Deutsche Bahn trains are the best way to travel in both style and comfort. Onboard catering, WiFi, and quiet train cars are just some of the amenities that can be found when travelling from Munich to Venice via rail. For a little extra, premium compartments can be purchased for extra privacy. No matter where you sit, you’ll arrive at your destination more relaxed than before.

What is there to see and do in Venice?

Known for its intricate canal system, Venice is a city built on top of a lagoon within the Adriatic Sea. Gondola rides are the best, and only, way to make your way through water-logged Venice. Along the canals, tourists can see architecture that has lasted since the Renaissance. Some of the must-see attractions of the city are St. Mark’s Basilica, Doge's Palace and Gallerie dell'Accademia.