Cheap Trains from Munich to Vienna Let Travelers Experience Austria’s Capital

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Travel guide Munich–Vienna


What train companies operate the route from Munich to Vienna?

Deutsche Bahn is the train company that operates the route from Munich to Vienna.

What is the schedule for the train route from Munich to Vienna?

Many trains travel from Munich to Vienna daily. At the earliest, travelers can leave as soon as 6:24 in the morning. The last train leaves Munich’s station at 8:17 in the evening.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Munich to Vienna?

Passengers depart to Vienna from München Hbf. They will arrive at Wien Hbf.

What distance is the train route from Munich to Vienna?

The distance of the train route from Munich to Vienna is approximately 270.2 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Munich to Vienna by train?

It takes, on average, a little over four hours to journey from Munich to Vienna via rail.

What are the stops on the train route from Munich to Vienna?

Salzburg Hbf and Plattling station are the two possible stops between Munich and Vienna.

Why should you travel by train from Munich to Vienna?

Train travel from Munich to Vienna is not only affordable, but convenient and comfortable. Deutsche Bahn offers online deals and discounts daily, making the trip even more budget-friendly. With many trains leaving from early morning to late evening, travelers can choose when it's most convenient to depart. With several seating options, WiFi, meal services and excellent customer service on board, travel has never been more relaxing.

What is there to see and do in Vienna?

Vienna is a city of many glorious sites. It’s powerful heritage is spoken through the many luxurious palaces that surround the city, such as Schönbrunn. Its intellectual culture, cultivated by such figures as Mozart, Beethoven and Sigmund Freud, can be found while parading through the Museum Quarter district. There, tourists can find exemplary works of art as they shop and dine to their heart’s content.