Cheapest dates for Munich - Zurich train tickets
Travel guide Munich–Zurich
What train companies operate the route from Munich to Zurich?
Deutsche Bahn operates the trains travelling from Munich to Zurich.
What is the schedule for the train route from Munich to Zurich?
Several trains complete the trip between Munich to Zurich daily. A train can be found departing from Munich, heading to Zurich, every forty or so minutes, from midnight to 9:51 in the evening.
What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Munich to Zurich?
Passengers depart from München Hbf station and arrive at Zürich HB station.
What distance is the train route from Munich to Zurich?
The distance from Munich to Zurich is about 196.1 miles.
How long does it take to travel from Munich to Zurich by train?
It takes about five hours to travel from Munich to Zurich by train.
What are the stops on the train route from Munich to Zurich?
Karlsruhe Hbf, Ulm Hbf, Singen(Hohentwiel), Schaffhausen, Friedrichshafen Stadt, Friedrichshafen Fähre, Winterthur are all possible stops on the journey from Munich to Zurich.
Why should you travel by train from Munich to Zurich?
The onboard rail services provided by Deutsche Bahn leave passengers more relaxed than before they stepped onto their train. Roomy seats, WiFi, and meal services are just some of the amenities found when travelling by train. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination!
What is there to see and do in Zurich?
Aside from being the financial center of the globe, Zurich has a wealth of attractions for tourists to enjoy. One such attraction is the Swiss National Museum, which features many works that celebrate swiss culture, including a vast collection of armor and weapons. For tourists looking for some inspiration, the city’s Kunsthaus Zürich is a gallery that displays European art, some of which dates back to the fifteenth century. Grossmünster is another iconic site, known for its tall, Romanesque twin towers.