Cheap Trains from New Haven to Boston

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Travel guide New Haven–Boston


What train companies operate the route from New Haven to Boston?

This route is operated by Amtrak’s services Northeast Regional and Acela Express.

What is the schedule for the train route from New Haven to Boston?

Trains depart from 4:40 AM until 9:42 PM on weekdays, with trains leaving about every half hour to 1 hour. On the weekends, the final departure times are different: 8:44 PM on Saturdays, 10:41 PM on Sundays.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New Haven to Boston?

Trains leave New Haven Station and arrive Boston’s South Station.

What distance is the train route from New Haven to Boston?

The total distance traveled between New Haven and Boston is around 150 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New Haven to Boston by train?

Traveling time varies between 2 hours 4 minutes and 3 hours 18 minutes (for the early-morning train).

What are the stops on the train route from New Haven to Boston?

Along the Northeast Regional route, trains stop at Old Saybrook Station, New London Station, Mystic Station, Westerly Station, West Kingston Station, Providence Station, Westwood Station, and Back Bay Station. The Acela Express route has fewer stops along the same route: New London Station, Providence Station, Westwood Station, and Back Bay Station.

Why should you travel by train from New Haven to Boston?

As with most of the eastern metropolitan US areas, travel by train is faster and easier than traveling by car, due to the high amounts of traffic and costs associated with driving.

What is there to see and do in Boston?

In Boston, there are many historical sites of interest, including the Paul Revere House, Long Wharf, the Public Garden, and the Boston Public Library. The prevalence of local Irish culture also means there are many Irish pubs and restaurants.