Cheap Trains from New Haven to Hartford

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Travel guide New Haven–Hartford


What train companies operate the route from New Haven to Hartford?

This route is operated by Amtrak’s Northeast Regional, Vermonter, and Shuttle services.

What is the schedule for the train route from New Haven to Hartford?

On weekdays, train-only routes depart at 1:25, 5:20, 7:30 and 8:44 PM. On the weekends, more trains depart, with the range of times being wider, between 8:42 AM and 9:54 PM (Saturdays) or 9:20 PM (Sundays).

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New Haven to Hartford?

Trains depart from New Haven Station, and they arrive in Hartford Station.

What distance is the train route from New Haven to Hartford?

The distance traveled by train is approximately 35 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New Haven to Hartford by train?

The train-only trips take about 45 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from New Haven to Hartford?

Stops passed along the Northeast Regional, Vermonter, or Shuttle routes are the same: Wallingford Station, Meriden Station, and Berlin Station.

Why should you travel by train from New Haven to Hartford?

The trains between New Haven and Hartford are more convenient than the corresponding drive, since passengers need not worry about where to park a car or focusing on highways with dense traffic.

What is there to see and do in Hartford?

Hartford offers visitors a number of activities and attractions, including the Connecticut Science Center, the Old State House (landmark and history museum), Mark Twain House (birthplace of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn), Bushnell Park (a large green space and park), and the Connecticut Historical Society museum.