Cheap Trains from New York City to Baltimore

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Travel guide New York–Baltimore


What train companies operate the route from New York City to Baltimore?

This route is operated by Amtrak’s Northeast Regional and Acela Express services.

What is the schedule for the train route from New York City to Baltimore?

Trains depart quite frequently during weekdays, with the longest break in service occurring between 10:05 PM and 3:25 AM. Weekend service is slightly different.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New York City to Baltimore?

Trains depart from Pennsylvania Station, and they arrive in Baltimore Pennsylvania Station.

What distance is the train route from New York City to Baltimore?

The overall distance traveled is approximately 175 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New York City to Baltimore by train?

The trip takes anywhere between 2 hours 14 minutes and 2 hours 40 minutes, depending on the service (the faster Acela Express vs the slower Northeast Regional).

What are the stops on the train route from New York City to Baltimore?

Stops passed along the Northeast Regional route are Newark Station, Metropark Station, Trenton Station, 30th Street Station, and Wilmington Station. Stops passed along the Acela Express route are Newark Station, Trenton Station, 30th Street Station, and Wilmington Station.

Why should you travel by train from New York City to Baltimore?

The train between New York and Baltimore is significantly faster than driving, due to heavy congestion in the eastern US urban areas. Also passengers can avoid the need to find parking in either major city.

What is there to see and do in Baltimore?

In Baltimore, obvious popular attractions include the Maryland Zoo, the National Aquarium, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the B&O Railroad Museum, several other art museums, historical museums, and discovery exhibits. Professional sports fans might enjoy an Orioles game (baseball) or a Ravens game (football). Those with a desire for gambling can even satisfy their cravings by visiting Horseshoe Casino Baltimore.