Cheap Trains from New York to Chicago

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Travel guide New York–Chicago


What train companies operate the route from New York to Chicago?

The route is operated primarily by Amtrak (Capitol Limited, Acela Express, Lake Shore Limited), and in some cases partially by New Jersey Transit (Northeast Corridor).

What is the schedule for the train route from New York to Chicago?

Typical train departures are everyday at 12:00 PM and 3:40 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New York to Chicago?

Trains depart from New York’s Pennsylvania Station and arrive at Chicago’s Union Station.

What distance is the train route from New York to Chicago?

The distance traveled is approximately 900 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New York to Chicago by train?

The approximate travel times range between 19 hours 5 minutes and 22 hours 39 minutes, depending on the service used.

What are the stops on the train route from New York to Chicago?

On the Lake Shore Limited Route, Intermediate stops are Croton-on-Hudson Station, Poughkeepsie Station, Rhinecliff, Albany-Rensselaer Station, Schenectady Station, Utica Station, William F Walsh Regional Transportation Center, Rochester Station, Buffalo Station, Erie Station, Cleveland Station, Elyria Station, Sandusky Station, Amtrak Toledo Station, Bryan Station, Waterloo Station, Elkhart Station, and South Bend Station. On the Acela Express/Capitol Limited route, intermediate stops are Newark Station, Metropark Station, 30th Street Station, Wilmington Station, Baltimore Pennsylvania Station, Union Station (transfer), Rockville Station, Harpers Ferry Station, Martinsburg Station, Cumberland Station, Connellsville Station, Pittsburgh Station, Alliance Station, Cleveland Station, Elyria Station, Sandusky Station, Amtrak Toledo Station, Waterloo Station, Elkhart Station, and South Bend Station. If the New Jersey Transit Northeast Corridor is used to reach Newark Station, then there will be an additional stop at Secaucus Junction.

Why should you travel by train from New York to Chicago?

Compared to driving, the train trip is more convenient in terms of traffic, gasoline fill-ups, and need to pay attention to the road.

What is there to see and do in Chicago?

In Chicago, visitors can try a Chicago-style deep dish pizza, visit the Navy Pier, visit one of the many museums, and enjoy a bustling nightlife.