Cheap Trains from New York to New Haven

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Travel guide New York–New Haven


What train companies operate the route from New York to New Haven?

The route is operated by both Amtrak (Acela Express and Northeast Regional services) and Metro-North Railroad (New Haven service).

What is the schedule for the train route from New York to New Haven?

Departures effectively occur around the clock, with the longest gap of 3 hours occurring between 2:40 and 5:49 AM. Otherwise departures are very frequent, from every few minutes to every hour, depending on the time of day.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New York to New Haven?

Amtrak trains depart from New York’s Pennsylvania Station and arrive at New Haven Station. Metro-North Railroad trains depart from Grand Central Terminal.

What distance is the train route from New York to New Haven?

The distance of the journey is around 70 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New York to New Haven by train?

The expected travel times range from 1 hour 36 minutes (Acela Express service) to 2 hours 5 minutes (New Haven service).

What are the stops on the train route from New York to New Haven?

The stops passed along the Northeast Regional and Acela Express routes include only Stamford Station. On the New Haven service, stops include Harlem-125th Street, Fordham, Greenwich, Stamford Station, Noroton Heights, Darien, South Norwalk, East Norwalk, Westport, Southport, Fairfield, Fairfield Metro, Bridgeport, Stratford, Milford, and West Haven.

Why should you travel by train from New York to New Haven?

Traveling by train between New York City and New Haven is far more convenient than driving, due to the high amount of traffic and difficulty (and high prices) associated with parking in these areas.

What is there to see and do in New Haven?

New Haven is known by many as the cultural capital of Connecticut. There are many historic churches, walking areas, theaters, museums, live music venues, cafes, and restaurants in the area.