Trains From New York to Philadelphia Let You Explore The First Capital of The USA

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Travel guide New York–Philadelphia


What train companies operate the route from New York to Philadelphia?

Both Amtrak and NJTransit operate the route from Philadelphia to New York.

What is the schedule for the train route from New York to Philadelphia?

Amtrak offers trains departing as early as 3:25 am and as late as Midnight. NJTransit starts their trains at 7am and stop their trains at 8 pm.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New York to Philadelphia?

Travellers start their journey at New York’s Penn Station. The trip ends when the train pulls into Philly’s 30th Street Station.

What distance is the train route from New York to Philadelphia?

The distance between New York and Philadelphia is 96.5 Miles.

How long does it take to travel from New York to Philadelphia by train?

It takes one and a half hours to travel on Amtrak trains and about two hours on NJtransit.

What are the stops on the train route from New York to Philadelphia?

There are no stops on the Amtrak train. The NJTransit has many stops along its Trenton line, offering more flexible arrival locations.

Why should you travel by train from New York to Philadelphia?

The NJTransit takes travellers anywhere they want to go in Philadelphia, making transport convenient and stress-free. Or, you can travel in style on Amtrak trains, which offer wifi options and bar service.

What is there to see and do in Philadelphia?

The first capital of The United States is filled with a rich history that can almost be felt by visiting its many monuments, like the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Run up the stairs of Philadelphia's Museum of Art like Rocky Balboa in “Rocky”. Once you’re done with your day, make sure to eat an iconic Philly cheese steak sandwich.