Cheap Trains from New York City to San Francisco

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Travel guide New York–San Francisco


What train companies operate the route from New York City to San Francisco?

This route is operated primarily by Amtrak (Lake Shore Limited through Chicago, and California Zephyr to Richmond, CA), with a small local portion operated by Bay Area Rapid Transit (Richmond - Daly City/Millbrae service).

What is the schedule for the train route from New York City to San Francisco?

Trains typically depart at 3:40 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from New York City to San Francisco?

Trains depart from New York City at Pennsylvania Station, and buses arrive in San Francisco at Temporary Transbay Terminal.

What distance is the train route from New York City to San Francisco?

The distance traveled is approximately 3,000 miles.

How long does it take to travel from New York City to San Francisco by train?

The listed overall travel time is 3 days 4 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from New York City to San Francisco?

After leaving Pennsylvania Station in New York, the Lake Shore Limited train will take passengers to Union Station in Chicago, at which point passengers transfer to the California Zephyr train. The California Zephyr service takes passengers to Richmond Station, at which point passengers transfer to the Richmond-Daly City/Millbrae bus. This bus takes passengers to the final destination.

Why should you travel by train from New York City to San Francisco?

Taking the train from New York to San Francisco is an epic journey all the way across the USA, and there are many interesting sites to see along the way, most notably in the western portions of the journey.

What is there to see and do in San Francisco?

Popular attractions in San Francisco include tours of Alcatraz Island (a former prison, featured in many movies), the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf (a popular destination with seafood, museums, and stores), Union Square (a popular place to relax), and Chinatown.