Discover Norway with Cheap Trains from Oslo to Bergen

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Travel guide Oslo–Bergen


What train companies operate the route from Oslo to Bergen?

The principal operator of trains from Oslo to Bergen is Norges Statsbaner (Norwegian State Railways).

What is the schedule for the train route from Oslo to Bergen?

Trains from Oslo leave at 8:25AM, 12:03PM, 3:43PM, and 11:25PM.

What are the train stations for the route Oslo - Bergen?

The departure and arrival stations are Oslo Sentralstasjon (Oslo Central Station) and Bergen Stasjon.

What distance is the train route Oslo to Bergen?

The approximate distance of the trip is around 300 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Oslo to Bergen by train?

Travel time is usually 6 hours and 43 minutes, and sometimes takes just over 7 hours, depending on the departure time.

What are the stops on the train journey from Oslo to Bergen?

During the trip, you will stop in Sandvika, Asker Stasjon, Drammen Stasjon, Hokksund, Vikersund, Hønefoss, Flå, Nesbyen, Gol, Ål, NSB Geilo Stasjon, Ustaoset, Haugastøl, Finse, Myrdal, Voss, and Dale.

Why should you travel by train from Oslo to Bergen?

Norway features beautiful northern scenery, including vast hillscapes and networks of lakes. When traveling by train you can sit back and enjoy the views, without having to focus on the road or deal with busy airports. Prices are also very reasonable when traveling by train.

What is there to see and do in Bergen?

In Bergen, there are many things to enjoy. Tourists can enjoy shopping, strolling along the waterfront, looking at street art (Bergen is known as Norway’s street art capital), and visiting historically important World War II sites. Bergen has an aesthetically pleasing small European village feel, with cutely painted buildings that can give you and your significant other a nice romantic getaway.