Cheap Trains From Paris to Berlin Take You to the Heart of Germany

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Travel guide Paris–Berlin


What train companies operate the route from Paris to Berlin?

Deutsche Bahn is the train company that operates the route from Paris to Berlin.

What is the schedule for the train route from Paris to Berlin?

The first train departing from Paris to Berlin begins its journey at 7:06 am. The last service from Paris to Berlin heads out at 3:25 in the afternoon. The trains run about once every two hours or so.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Paris to Berlin?

Gare de L'est is the departure station in Paris. The arrival station is Berlin Hauptbahnhof station.

What distance is the train route from Paris to Berlin?

The train route from Paris to Berlin has a distance of approximately 655 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Paris to Berlin by train?

It takes a little under eight hours to travel by train from Paris to Berlin.

What are the stops on the train route from Paris to Berlin?

Karlsruhe Hbf and Hannover Hbf stations are the two main stops on the route from Paris to Berlin.

Why should you travel by train from Paris to Berlin?

Tired of feeling like you're in a sardine can when you travel? No need when you choose rail for your journey. Passengers are free to roam about, stretch their legs, and enjoy quiet lounge cars away from other passengers. While France and Germany pass by outside your oversized window, you can stay connected with WiFi, eat meals in a restaurant car, and enjoy mobile phone designated areas.

What is there to see and do in Berlin?

Berlin is a city of many sights, sounds and emotions. For the modern, fast-paced traveler, tours around the city will take you through the better parts of Berlin, such as Charlottenburg Palace, Kaiser William Memorial Church and Paris Square. Berlin also has a vibrant nightlife. Tourists can crawl through world-class pubs, nightclubs and restaurants. Be sure to visit the various museums, monuments and centers chronicling Berlin’s turbulent past, such as The Topography of Terror and the Memorial of Murdered Jews.