Cheap Trains from Philadelphia to Atlantic City

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Travel guide Philadelphia–Atlantic City


What train companies operate the route from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

Trains between Philadelphia and Atlantic City are operated by SEPTA Regional Rail (MFL service), Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO), and New Jersey Transit Rail (Atlantic City Rail Line). The Atlantic City Rail Line covers either all or part of the route, depending on the departure time. The MFL service covers certain portions within Philadelphia. The PATCO service covers a portion of the route until Lindenwold.

What is the schedule for the train route from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

Trains leave from 5:37 AM until 12:50 AM, with trains departing about every 0.5 to 2 hours.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

Trains leave from Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station and arrive at the Atlantic City Rail Terminal.

What distance is the train route from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

The distance covered by the train is just over 60 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Philadelphia to Atlantic City by train?

Travel times may vary, but the trip usually takes between 1.5 and 2.5 hours.

What are the stops on the train route from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

Intermediate stops on the Atlantic City Rail Line full-length service include Pennsauken Transit Center, Cherry Hill, Lindenwold, Atco, Hammonton, Egg Harbor, and Absecon Rail Station. On another route, operated partially by PATCO, 11 extra stops before Lindenwold include 12-13th and Locust, 9-10th and Locust, 8th and Market, City Hall, Broadway, Ferry Avenue, Collingswood Station, Westmont, Haddonfield, Woodcrest, and Ashland. A further possibility is to take the MFL service from 30th Street Station to 8th Street Station (walking distance from 8th and Market), followed by the PATCO and Atlantic City Rail Line services.

Why should you travel by train from Philadelphia to Atlantic City?

In the busy metropolitan areas of the eastern-US cities, traveling by train is less frustrating than traveling by car, since traffic, parking fees, and gasoline costs are all very significant factors.

What is there to see and do in Atlantic City?

In Atlantic City, the primary attractions are large casinos, restaurants, luxury hotels, the boardwalk, and sandy beaches.