Cheap Trains from Prague to Berlin: Back to the Charm of the 20th Century

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Travel guide Prague–Berlin


What train companies operate the route from Prague to Berlin?

The route between Prague and Berlin is operated by the train company Deutsche Bahn.

What is the schedule for the train route from Prague to Berlin?

A train can be caught going from Prague to Berlin from 6am to 9pm. Trains depart about every two hours from Prague.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Prague to Berlin?

Potential passengers have the option of leaving from two Prague stations: Hlavní nádraží and Masarykovo nádraží. Trains departing from Prague pull into Berlin Hbf station.

What distance is the train route from Prague to Berlin?

Prague is 218 miles away from Berlin.

How long does it take to travel from Prague to Berlin by train?

The average amount of time it takes to travel from Prague to Berlin by train is about four and a half hours. However, this is dependent on the number of stops the chosen train will make.

What are the stops on the train route from Prague to Berlin?

Most trains from Prague will take passengers to Berlin directly. However, of the stops that trains do make, the most common are Děčín, Bad Schandau, Dresden Hbf.

Why should you travel by train from Prague to Berlin?

Train travel from Prague to Berlin is cheap, comfortable and quick! Tickets can be conveniently bought online or directly from the train station for excellent prices. On the train, WiFi and electrical ports allow travelers to stay connected on their journey. With a trip time of just over four hours, Berlin is more than traversable from Prague.

What is there to see and do in Berlin?

Berlin is an old city that has seen the ravages of multiple 20th century wars, making it the home for interesting monuments, museums and memorials. Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, and the remnants of the Berlin Wall are must sees! For a more quiet setting, visit the Eastside Gallery, Topography of Terror Museum and Museum Island.