Cheap Trains from San Diego to Los Angeles

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Travel guide San Diego–Los Angeles


What train companies operate the route from San Diego to Los Angeles?

Trains from San Diego to Los Angeles are run on board the Pacific Surfliner, Coaster, Inland Empire - OC, and Orange County Line. Most routes are operated by Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner, while the other companies collectively operate one of the routes.

What is the schedule for the train route from San Diego to Los Angeles?

Trains depart from 6:06 AM to 8:59 PM, and leave a total about 11 times throughout the day.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from San Diego to Los Angeles?

Trains leave from San Diego Station and arrive at Union Station in Los Angeles.

What distance is the train route from San Diego to Los Angeles?

The distance of the trip from San Diego to Los Angeles is about 130 miles.

How long does it take to travel from San Diego to Los Angeles by train?

Estimated travel time is around 3 hours.

What are the stops on the train journey from San Diego to Los Angeles?

Along the way, trains stop in Old Town Station, Solana Beach Station, Oceanside Station, San Juan Capistrano Station, Irvine Station, Santa Ana Station, Anaheim Station, and Fullerton Station.

Why should you travel by train from San Diego to Los Angeles?

Trains from San Diego to Los Angeles are significantly cheaper than flying. Trains are arguably more comfortable than traveling by bus.

What is there to see and do in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles is the home of Hollywood, which is the biggest center of movie making in the USA. Los Angeles boasts several famous beaches and is a culturally significant city in the USA. Tourists can visit Disneyland and other famous theme parks, as well as go hiking in the nearby scenic natural landscapes. Several major national parks are not far away from Los Angeles.