Cheap Trains from San Francisco to San Diego

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Travel guide San Francisco–San Diego


What train companies operate the route from San Francisco to San Diego?

The route is operated primarily by Caltrain’s Limited Service, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority’s Capitol Corridor service, and Amtrak’s Amtrak Thruway Connecting Service and Pacific Surfliner.

What is the schedule for the train route from San Francisco to San Diego?

Weekday departures occur from 5:17 AM until 10:30 PM. On Saturdays the earliest departure is at 6:00AM (via bus).

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from San Francisco to San Diego?

Trains depart from San Francisco’s Montgomery Street Station and arrive at San Diego Station.

What distance is the train route from San Francisco to San Diego?

The total distance covered on this route is approximately 525 miles.

How long does it take to travel from San Francisco to San Diego by train?

Travel times are highly variable and range from 11 to 24 hours, depending on the service used.

What are the stops on the train route from San Francisco to San Diego?

In the Limited/Capitol Corridor/Amtrak Thruway Connecting Service/Pacific Surfliner route, intermediate stops include South San Francisco Station, Milbrae, Caltrain-Hillsdale Station, Caltrain-Redwood City Station, Caltrain-Menlo Park Station, Palo Alto Station, California Avenue Station, Caltrain-San Antonio Station, Caltrain-Mountain View Station, Caltrain-Sunnyvale Station, Caltrain-Lawrence Station, Santa Clara (transfer to Capitol Corridor service), San Jose Diridon Station (transfer to Amtrak Thruway Connecting Service), Salinas Amtrak Station, King City Bus Stop, Paso Robles Station, Performing Arts Center Bus Stop, San Luis Obispo Station, Grover Beach Station (transfer to Pacific Surfliner), Guadalupe, Surf Station, Goleta Station, Santa Barbara Station, Carpinteria Station, Ventura Station, Oxnard Station, Camarillo Station, Simi Valley Station, Chatsworth Station, Van Nuys Station, Burbank Station, Glendale, Union Station, Fullerton Station, Anaheim Station, Santa Ana Station, Irvine Station, San Juan Capistrano Station, Oceanside Station, Solana Beach Station, and Old Town Station. On another route, passengers are taken from the San Jose Diridon Station to Burbank Station via the Coast Starlight service.

Why should you travel by train from San Francisco to San Diego?

Highways are highly congested in California’s major metropolitan areas, so rail travel is more convenient in many cases. Passengers can avoid traffic and the need to look for parking. Additionally there is much beautiful scenery passed on this train route.

What is there to see and do in San Diego?

In San Diego, visitors can enjoy a year-round mild climate. Popular attractions include the San Diego Zoo, the San Diego Natural History Museum, and the San Diego Air & Space Museum, as well as other museums. San Diego is home to several professional sports teams (Chargers, Padres, Gulls, etc).