Cheap Trains from San Francisco to Seattle

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Travel guide San Francisco–Seattle


What train companies operate the route from San Francisco to Seattle?

This route is operated by a combination of Bay Area Rapid Transit (Richmond - Daly City/Millbrae, or Dublin/Pleasanton - Daly City) and Amtrak’s Coast Starlight services, with part of the journey covered by bus provided by Alameda-Contra Costa Transit.

What is the schedule for the train route from San Francisco to Seattle?

Trains depart in the evenings between 7:32 PM and 8:40 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from San Francisco to Seattle?

Trains depart from Montgomery Street Station and arrive at Seattle’s King Street Station.

What distance is the train route from San Francisco to Seattle?

The distance traveled is approximately 750 to 800 miles.

How long does it take to travel from San Francisco to Seattle by train?

The approximate travel time is 23 hours 41 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from San Francisco to Seattle?

Intermediate stops include Embarcadero Station, West Oakland Station (walk to West Oakland Bart), West Oakland Bart (get on the bus), 7th Street:Union Street, 7th Street:Adeline Street, 7th Street:Filbert Street, 7th Street:Market Street, 7th Street:Jefferson Street, 7th Street:Franklin Street (walk to Jack London Square), Jack London Square (board Coast Starlight train), Emeryville Station, Martinez Station, Davis Station, Sacramento Station, Chico Station, Redding Station, Dunsmuir Station, Klamath Falls Station, Chemult Station, Eugene Station, Albany Station, Salem Station, Union Station, Vancouver Station, Kelso Station, Centralia Station, Centennial Station, and Tacoma Station.

Why should you travel by train from San Francisco to Seattle?

Since the train travels overnight, passengers can sleep on board the train. Also, the train passes much beautiful mountainous scenery along the way.

What is there to see and do in Seattle?

Seattle is close to some of the world’s best hiking areas, with many temperate rain forests and nearby mountains, including Mount St. Helens, which is actually an active volcano. Seattle is home to one of the largest annual Gay Pride Festivals, the annual Hempfest, and the 24-day Seattle International Film Festival. Coffee lovers will be impressed with the large number of coffee shops in Seattle.