Cheap Trains From Seville to Madrid Take Passengers to Spain’s Central Capital

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Travel guide Sevilla–Madrid


What train companies operate the route from Seville to Madrid?

Renfe is the train company that operates the route between Seville to Madrid.

What is the schedule for the train route from Seville to Madrid?

Trains begin to depart for Madrid at 7:15 am. The last train that departs for this route at 9 pm.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Seville to Madrid?

Passengers can catch the train to Madrid from Sevilla-Santa Justa station. They will arrive in either Madrid Puerta De Atocha station or Madrid Atocha Cercanias station.

What distance is the train route from Seville to Madrid?

The distance of the train route from Seville to Madrid is approximately 330.9 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Seville to Madrid by train?

It takes a little less than seven hours to travel from Seville to Madrid by train.

What are the stops on the train route from Seville to Madrid?

The two possible stops on the train route from Seville to Madrid are Huelva Termino and Alcázar De San Juan.

Why should you travel by train from Seville to Madrid?

Train travel is flexible, affordable and comfortable. Renfe offers passes that allow passengers to travel anywhere within Spain, including from Seville to Madrid. There are constant discounts and promotions that customers can take advantage of for extra savings. Aside from the convenience, you will stay comfortable aboard with WiFi and meal services.

What is there to see and do in Madrid?

Spain’s central capital is a city full of charm, culture and modern atmosphere. Walk through Madrid’s beautiful boulevards, serene parks and large squares. Madrid holds one of the largest collections of Spanish art in world, housed in the Prado National Museum. For travellers looking for a more modern vacation, a vibrant nightlife full of clubs and resturants are centered conveniently downtown. Make sure to ask about city tours to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything Madrid has to offer.