Cheapest dates for Shanghai - Beijing train tickets
Travel guide Shanghai–Beijing
What train companies operate the route from Shanghai to Beijing?
This route is operated by Mapabc.
What is the schedule for the train route from Shanghai to Beijing?
Trains depart from 7:00 AM until 9:11 PM, leaving every 10 to 120 minutes.
What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Shanghai to Beijing?
Trains depart from Shanghai’s Hongqiao Station and arrive in Beijing South Railway Station.
What distance is the train route from Shanghai to Beijing?
The distance traveled from Shanghai to Beijing is around 825 miles.
How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?
Traveling time is typically around 5.5 to 6 hours.
What are the stops on the train route from Shanghai to Beijing?
Along the way, trains stop in Changzhou North, Nanjing South, Chuzhou, Tengzhou East, Jinan West, and Dezhou East.
Why should you travel by train from Shanghai to Beijing?
China’s high-speed rail is a very efficient way to cover long distances in a very short time (825 miles in only 5.5 hours). This is much faster than driving, and the time from city center to city center is actually faster than the total time involved in air travel.
What is there to see and do in Beijing?
Visitors to Beijing can visit the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall of China, which passes through the north areas of Beijing, and various Buddhist temples around the city. Beijing offers a great variety of cuisines based on traditions from all around China. One cuisine that is home to Beijing is the Peking Duck, which is served with a teriyaki-like sauce, vegetables, and tortilla-like shells. Another treat is to dine in restaurants where noodles are prepared from scratch right at your dinner table.