Cheap Trains from Saint Louis to Kansas City

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Travel guide St Louis–Kansas City


What train companies operate the route from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

This route is supported by Amtrak’s Missouri River Runner service.

What is the schedule for the train route from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

Missouri River Runner trains depart twice per day, at 9:15 AM and 4:00 PM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

Trains depart from St. Louis Station and arrive at Kansas City Station.

What distance is the train route from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

The overall distance traveled by train is right around 250 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Saint Louis to Kansas City by train?

The normal travel time is 5 hours 40 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

After leaving Saint Louis, trains stop at Kirkwood Station, Washington Station, Hermann Station, Jefferson City Station, Sedalia, Warrensburg Station, Lee’s Summit Station, and Independence Station, before arriving in Kansas City Station.

Why should you travel by train from Saint Louis to Kansas City?

The train from Saint Louis to Kansas City is quite convenient and takes just a bit longer than the same drive, so for passengers who either have no car or wish to leave their car at home, this train route is a smart choice.

What is there to see and do in Kansas City?

Kansas City has a number of exhibits and museums based around learning and information. These include Science City, the Kansas City Museum, the Kansas City Zoo, the John Wornall House Museum, and the National World War I Museum. Theme parks in the area include Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun. For visitors who wish to walk around and sample a bit of everything, the Crown Center is recommended, as it hosts a number of shops, parks, aquariums, and other sites.