Cheapest dates for Amsterdam - London train tickets
Travel guide Amsterdam–London
What train companies operate the route from Amsterdam to London?
Trains from Amsterdam to London are operated by both Thalys and Eurostar: Thalys takes passengers from Amsterdam to Brussels, where they are able to connect with the Eurostar service to travel on to London.
What is the schedule for the train route from Amsterdam to London?
The first train departs early, at 6:17AM, and the last departure is at 5:17PM. Trains depart Amsterdam at regular intervals throughout the day.
What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Amsterdam to London?
The departure station for this route is Amsterdam Centraal Station, and the arrival station is London St-Pancras International Station.
What distance is the train route from Amsterdam to London?
The total distance of the train trip is around 350 miles.
How long does it take to travel from Amsterdam to London by train?
Total travel time is about 4 hours and 40 minutes. In comparison, a drive by car would take 7 hours, and a flight would be around 1 hour (trips to and from airports not included).
What are the stops on the train route from Amsterdam to London?
The Thalys service from Amsterdam to Brussels sometimes stops off at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Transfers to the Eurostar service occur at the Brussels-Midi/Zuid Station in Brussels; from here, stops can include Lille in France.
Why should you travel by train from Amsterdam to London?
You can relax while traveling by train, because you don’t need to focus on the road or be bothered making trips to and from airports. When traveling by train, you also get basic amenities including power outlets, comfortable seats and the option to purchase food and drink on board.
What is there to see and do in London?
In London, you can find a great variety of attractions. You can visit the famous Tower Bridge over the River Thames, enjoy a ride on the London Eye, take a selfie in front of the iconic Big Ben, and walk alongside the river, visiting famous centuries-old pubs along the way. The British Museum is a notable attraction (no entry fee), which contains many important historical treasures, including the Rosetta Stone, Egyptian mummies and many others. Be sure to take a ride on one of the red double-decker buses. If you happen to be around on a Sunday morning, stop into one of the many local restaurants and treat yourself to a Sunday roast.