Cheap Trains from Miami to Tampa

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Travel guide Miami–Tampa


What train companies operate the route from Miami to Tampa?

This route is operated primarily by Amtrak (Silver Star service), with a small portion operated by Miami-Dade Transit (MRAIL service).

What is the schedule for the train route from Miami to Tampa?

Trains depart daily at 10:50 AM.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Miami to Tampa?

Trains depart from Miami’s Historic Overtown / Lyric Theater stop, and trains arrive in Tampa’s Union Station.

What distance is the train route from Miami to Tampa?

The distance traveled on the journey is around 275 miles.

How long does it take to travel from Miami to Tampa by train?

A typical travel time is 6 hours 30 minutes.

What are the stops on the train route from Miami to Tampa?

Intermediate stops include Culmer Station, Civic Center, Santa Clara Station, Allapattah Station, Earlington Heights, Brownsville Station, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Plaza, Northside, Tri-Rail (walk 8 minutes to Miami Station), Miami Station (board Silver Star train), Hollywood Station, Fort Lauderdale Station, Deerfield Beach Station, Delray Beach Station, West Palm Beach Station, Okeechobee Station, Sebring Station, Winter Haven Station, and Lakeland Station.

Why should you travel by train from Miami to Tampa?

Traveling by train is less exhausting than driving, especially in the inland flatlands of Florida, where the straight boring roads give drivers a challenge to stay awake.

What is there to see and do in Tampa?

Tampa has a variety of museums, which visitors may find stimulating. These include the Tampa Museum of Art, the USF Contemporary Art Museum, the Museum of Science & Industry, and the Tampa Bay History Center, among others. Food-lovers will also enjoy a healthy variety of restaurants representing different cultures, including Cuban, Spanish, Colombian, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, and others. There are also many beautiful beaches nearby, some of which are quite famous.