Cheap Trains From Porto to Lisbon Take Passengers to the Coast of Portugal

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Travel guide Porto–Lisbon


What train companies operate the route from Porto to Lisbon?

SNCB is the train company that operates the route from Porto to Lisbon.

What is the schedule for the train route from Porto to Lisbon?

There are about thirty-two trains that are scheduled for this route daily. The first train departs for this route at 6:00 in the morning. The last train heading on this route starts its departure at 9:39 in the evening.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from Porto to Lisbon?

Porto campanha is the departure station. The arrival station is Lisboa Santa Apol.

What distance is the train route from Porto to Lisbon?

194.7 miles separate Porto from Lisbon.

How long does it take to travel from Porto to Lisbon by train?

It takes about two and half hours to complete the journey from Porto to Lisbon via rail.

What are the stops on the train route from Porto to Lisbon?

Trains travelling from Porto take passengers directly to Lisbon without stopping.

Why should you travel by train from Porto to Lisbon?

Want to get to your destination faster? Intercity, or Intercidades, trains are high-speed options that will connect you to your final stop quickly. With limited stops and reserved seating, there is less to think and worry about when getting from Porto to Lisbon.

What is there to see and do in Lisbon?

Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal, and as such, a wealth of cultural, artistic and modern treasures reside within this coastal city. Some of the more popular tourists sites are the São Jorge Castle, an imposing Moorish castle, Jerónimos Monastery, a gothic world heritage site, and Belém Tower, a Medieval fortress that still stands on Lisbon’s beaches.