Cheap Trains from San Francisco to Sacramento

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Travel guide San Francisco–Sacramento


What train companies operate the route from San Francisco to Sacramento?

The route is operated by Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority’s Capitol Corridor and California Zephyr Services (from Emeryville Station), with various buses between San Francisco and Emeryville Station operated by Alameda-Contra Costa Transit (AC Transit), and in some cases portions are handled by the Bay Area Rapid Transit Dublin/Pleasanton - Daly city service (through Coliseum/Airport Station).

What is the schedule for the train route from San Francisco to Sacramento?

Departures occur from 4:39 AM until 9:40 PM. On the weekends, the earliest departures are 6:58 and 7:10 AM, for Saturday and Sunday respectively.

What are the departure and arrival train stations for the route from San Francisco to Sacramento?

Trains depart from San Francisco’s Montgomery Street Station and arrive at Sacramento Station.

What distance is the train route from San Francisco to Sacramento?

The total distance covered on this route is approximately 100 miles, with some variability depending on the route.

How long does it take to travel from San Francisco to Sacramento by train?

Travel times range from 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on the service used.

What are the stops on the train route from San Francisco to Sacramento?

In one route, the Dublin/Pleasanton - Daly Service takes passengers past Embarcadero Station, West Oakland Station, Lake Merritt Station, Fruitvale Station, and to Coliseum Station (transfer, and walk to Coliseum/Airport Station), after which the Capitol Corridor takes passengers past Jack London Square, Emeryville Station, Berkeley Station, Richmond Station, Martinez, Suisun City Station, and Davis Station. In other routes, passengers are taken to Emeryville Station, instead of Coliseum Station.

Why should you travel by train from San Francisco to Sacramento?

Highway traffic is notoriously problematic in California’s major metropolitan areas, so rail travel is actually more convenient and faster in many cases.

What is there to see and do in Sacramento?

Visitors to Sacramento will enjoy a stroll through Old Sacramento’s cobblestone streets, past many historic buildings, many of which were built during the Gold Rush period, as Sacramento was a central distribution point during the Gold Rush. Sacramento also has a number of theaters and museums. Sacramento’s restaurants are well known for providing cuisine heavily sourced to local farms.