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Traveler's Edition
  •   < 1 min read

VizEat is a social dining platform designed to help travelers experience authentic meals cooked by, and eaten with, locals in their homes. Think of it as Airbnb but for meals.

Registered hosts post meals online for a set price, set date and for an agreed amount of people. VizEat launched in 2014 in France and now connects more than 35,000 travelers and 10,000 local hosts in more than 65 nations. It is hoped that VizEat will bring plenty of travelers and American hosts together for the meal of all meals: Thanksgiving.

If you’re traveling in America and don’t have any close American friends or family it can be difficult to get invited to a Thanksgiving dinner, therefore VizEat will enable travelers to really experience American culture on this sacred day.

Current meal invitations in United States include a range of different celebrations: from a Braised Short Rib celebration in New York to paella with Patricia in Salt Lake City. Natalie de Souza’s is opening up her home on Thanksgiving for 20 people who would like to enjoy a Caribeen-esque Thanksgiving feast.

“It’s a real shared, wonderful experience,” says de Souza, who co-hosts a VizEat-listing with her business partner Stacey Grant.

IMG: InaFrenzy / Flickr cc.

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