is a travel search engine made by travelers, for travelers – and now we need your help! Take part in a super quick survey to let us know your thoughts about so we can be the best we can be, for you.
Whether you’re a dedicated user or occasional visitor to, your opinion matters to us and we’d love to hear what you think of our travel search engine. As well as comparing flight prices across the country – and the world! – we’ve also added buses and trains into the mix, meaning it’s easier than ever to find the best price for your trip, with no limitations.
However you want to travel, we’ve got you covered. Take part in our short survey to let us know if this is a feature you enjoy using, and whether there’s anything we could improve to make your experience when using even better.
Our aim is to find the best price for your trip and offer your results in an objective, transparent and useful way and we’d love to know if we’re achieving these aims.
Let us know what you think of because, after all, we’re nothing without you!