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Traveler's Edition
  •   2 min read

Day outings with the kids can quickly turn into mission impossible, and cause your stress levels to hit the roof. We’ve put together a guide to help make the excursion smooth as possible.

Although the park seems like an easy option, it’s important to expose your kid to all different sorts of activities and settings, in order to best prepare them for real life. On vacation it’s even more important to expose your kids to local culture.

Museums are a brilliant place to combine learning with fun, and it can be a great way to create family memories. However, museums are also very quiet, sophisticated and calm, so the thought of entering with a hyper energetic six year-old may bring on a panic attack for many parents.

So after you’ve booked your family travel flights, be sure to remember these tips. And if you’re booking flights to New York, read our article on the best art museums and galleries in The Big City.

Pick the right museum

If you want to venture out and visit a museum that isn’t blatantly kid friendly, then choose a museum that you are familiar with. This relieves some additional pressure of navigating around a new floor plan, and it’s a great way to share your passions and interests with your kids by taking them to a venue you love.

Go slowly

Take your time and follow your kid’s lead, if they seem bored or agitated then move it along. Your kid should determine the pace, if so, it will make for a more pleasant trip.
Make sure you allocate yourself plenty of time to go round, so make sure you’ve put enough money on the car meter and have no time commitments. This will allow you to really enjoy quality time with each other.

Respect others and your surroundings

Museums have special rules that even adults find hard to follow, so make sure you clearly communicate to your child what kind of behavior is expected and what is unacceptable.
This will help your child distinguish that different venues and places require different behaviors and sometime we need to adapt our actions to reflect the setting.

Play games

It’s important to incorporate fun into learning so the kids want to visit again or explore different museums. Ask a member of staff if they have any kid friendly activities they complete as they make their way round the museum.

Talk about it later

After your day out talk to your child about their day: what was their favorite part? Did they dislike anything? And would they do it again? This will better inform your next visit. Try and do this at a time when they are focused; when you’re putting them to bed would be an ideal time.

IMG: Christine-O- / Flickr cc.

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